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About Alison

Consumer Trends
According to consumer research, nearly 90% of Americans believe eggs are a nutritious choice for breakfast, and 82% believe eggs are a healthier breakfast than cereal. Clearly, shoppers are looking for more protein in the morning, and they are increasingly interested in the fact that:
Eggs are all-natural
Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein
Eggs are a good source of Vitamin D
Eggs are gluten-free
Eggs are 70 calories
Egg purchase frequency continues to trend upwards, with the percentage of Heavy Egg Users (3+ cartons per month) increasing by 18% from 2009 to 2013, Medium Egg Users (2 cartons/month) increasing by 10%, and Light Egg Users (Less than 2 cartons/month) decreasing by 28% over that same timeframe.
On average, respondents are eating/serving 5.5 eggs for breakfast during the workweek and 3.1 eggs on weekends – which is the equivalent of approximately three dozen eggs per month.

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